Working With Clients and Students – 2020 – Changing Course Direction

During a networking Zoom meeting this morning, someone announced, “Two months until Christmas!” The end of 2020 will be here before we know it. 2020 has been, to say the least, a challenging year to navigate. The way I planned to do business this year is not at all how I am doing business. But, it hasn’t been all bad. In fact, it has been the opposite.

My plan for 2020 was to continue having four Certified Organizer training seminars on-site in Portland, Oregon, including a client practicum with students completing an organizing project with a client in their home. I held one training seminar in Portland in late-February. Little did I know, it would be my last on-site training seminar. Then we all know what happened in March, and suddenly I was faced with the unknown of whether or not I would be able to offer training seminars on-site this year or even in 2021.

“I have learned over the seventeen years I have been in business to be ready for the unexpected, to not give up, and to respond to the unexpected with agility.  Doors close, windows open. Look for the open windows.”

Photo Open Window

One day in early April, the window opened. I was working with a client virtually, and it occurred to me I can teach the client practicum virtually with students and the client. Yes, one of those magical lightbulb moments. At that same moment, I said to myself, “Why didn’t I do this sooner so more people could have attended when the training location was the barrier?”

This month I held my first Certified Organizer virtual training seminar, including a virtual client practicum. The Trained Organizer course was held by webinar before it became an on-demand course, and I have worked with clients virtually before the pandemic.  So, the technology piece of virtual training was not new to me.  However, I had not instructed students on how to work with clients virtually or conducted a virtual client practicum before.  I surprised myself at how well it went, and I’m looking forward to 2021 and many more Certified Organizer virtual training seminars and virtual client practicums. I hope you will join me at one and start your professional organizing business and do what you love to do–organize!

Certified Organizer Virtual Seminar – October 4-6, 2020 with Emilie, Elizabeth, Angie, Krista, and Stephanie (the client).

photo Client Practicum Session 3


“I just finished my training and I loved it! My experience with Anne and the program was very positive. The materials, modules, practicum and one-on-one conversations were all clear, instructive and very relevant to helping me start up my own professional organizing business. While I am just getting started I feel that the program has given me the tools, knowledge, support and confidence to be successful. Anne is knowlegeable, patient, thoughtful and encouraging. She has been very willing to share ideas, give advice and answer questions. The program was definitely worth the time, money and energy spent.” Angie Hunt

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