Grow Your Business – Networking

Strategic alliances are individuals or businesses that share similar clients with you. Network every day. Talk to everyone about your business. Who do you know that can help you promote your business? Who can you partner with and strategically align yourself with to provide mutual marketing opportunities?

A few strategic alliance examples include:


interior designers




certified public accountants

senior living residences

financial investment representatives

feng shui consultants

wardrobe consultants

cleaning services

Invite them to meet with you, explain your services, and then ask them, “How can I be of service to you,” and watch the flood of referrals come your way. And you will be more valuable to your clients because you have resources for them.

Another way to meet strategic partners is to join networking organizations. Business Networking International is one networking organization I belonged to. They have over 200,000 members. I met many business owners. We exchanged referrals, and I grew my list of trusted resources. Other networking organizations include chambers of commerce, Rotary, small-business associations, Toast Masters, LeTip, I Take the Lead, and Meet-up.

Who are your strategic alliances or networking groups?

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