Grow Your Business – Packaged Services

The recession may have ended in 2009, but the US economy was still in recovery well into 2011. People were quite hesitant to spend their discretionary income on organizing services. I did have clients stay with me who financially could during the recession, and some are still my clients today; they are chronically disorganized, and, for some, they always will be.

I needed to attract clients and rebuild my client base. For the first time, I decided to discount my fee by packaging my services. And it worked! I made more money on organizing services than ever before.

Psychologically, people like to think they are getting a deal, especially when they feel they don’t have money to spend.

I require prepayment of the full package price before I start working with clients. Prepayment provides cash flow for my business, and it does something even better: it commits the client to the work. Clients canceling their sessions at the last minute are a thing of the past because of prepayment.

If you want to avoid last-minute cancellations, require all or partial payment before your client session.

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