Fast-Track Method™ Training Program for Professional Organizers – Avoid Newbie Pitfalls

Your friends, family, and coworkers probably tell you that you should become a professional organizer. I know I heard that message, which led me to start my organizing business. Are you secretly watching organizing shows like The Home Edit and Hot Mess House and thinking, “I would love to do that!” If you are, read on.

Newbie Pitfall #1

Many who enter this profession think they can organize, so they are confident they can organize others. That’s a newbie’s pitfall #1. Before entering this profession, ask a friend or family member to help them organize an area in their home. Sometimes it is easier to organize ourselves than others.

Newbie Pitfall #2

Is thinking it doesn’t take much to start a business. While that may be slightly true, sustaining and growing a business isn’t easy if you don’t know how to. To put it simply, working in your business is fun and easy compared to working on your business.

You might be thinking, “I wonder if there is an expedient and affordable training program to become a professional organizer. A program that will take me step-by-step through my business start-up, alleviating figuring out what to do next.” I know I did, but it didn’t exist at the time.

Get Training and Experience

While you are looking for training to become a professional organizer, recognize that most training programs only include how to organize client spaces and do not cover how to start and manage a business. Others focus purely on marketing the organizing business. Few cover specialized client populations or virtual organizing. The Institute for Professional Organizers™ offers ALL. And the best part is you can complete the training program at your own pace, your own place.

I saw many new professional organizers struggle to keep their business from failing, and that’s why I developed the Fast-Track Method™ training program for professional organizers. My program is a 4-part course to launch your organizing business expediently. Including:

  1. All aspects of planning, starting, and marketing an organizing business. The program is designed to take you step-by-step through your business start-up, alleviating figuring out what to do next.
  2. The complete client process – systems and solutions for working with clients through all project phases; initial contact, assessment, completing the project, and maintenance.
  3. Working with situationally disorganized clients, chronically disorganized, neurotypical, neurodiverse, downsizing, moving, and more. Plus, safety for the professional organizer and client.
  4. Residential organizing strategies and systems. For every space in a home, you will learn the typical habits that cause disorganization, how to create organized zones, product solutions to aid organization, new habits to maintain organization, and the estimated time to organize. You will gain confidence that you can organize any space in a home.

Earn Credentials to Stand-out

Choose from, Trained Organizer or Certified Master Professional Organizer™. Want to learn more? Book an Ask Me Anything Zoom Session, and let’s launch the organizing business you are dreaming of.


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