6 Must-Have Apps That Have Streamlined My Business Practices

photo AppHaving an arsenal of powerful apps will feel like you have a free personal assistant.  Here are my six must-have apps that have streamlined my business practices freeing my brain to focus on what’s important rather than what’s urgent.

Acuity Scheduling

If you’ve ever struggled to settle on a meeting time or accidentally double-booked yourself, this calendar app is for you.  It’s one of the best tools I use to save time and streamline client onboarding.  Acuity is more than a calendar app; you can:

  • Sync your calendars and get notified about new bookings
  • Accept online payments via integrations with Stripe, Square, or PayPal
  • Offer more than just appointments, such as gift certificates, packages, memberships, or group classes
  • Feel confident knowing client information is private
  • Reduce no-shows by sending customized reminder emails and texts to clients
  • Meet clients anywhere through video conferencing integrations
  • Easily share your calendar via Facebook, Instagram, email, or your website
  • Customize everything to match your brand experience

On my website, clients can book their session, complete my needs assessment questionnaire, sign my client agreement, and pay for their session with one click!

Microsoft To Do

If you have multiple to-do lists, this app is a lifesaver.  Available on iPhone, iPad, Android, and your laptop, the app’s intuitive design is easy and highly functional.  I use it to track all of my personal and business tasks.  It is easy; I can set reminders, see the day, week, or entire list, share lists (great for client assignments), create multiple lists (great for projects), attach notes, documents, or voice recordings to a task.  It gives me the same satisfaction as a paper list that I can check off when I have completed a task.  It gives me the option to show or not show the completed to-dos.  I can print a list if I want a paper copy.


I keep all the bits and bytes of information I collect in one searchable place.  Replaces paper files of random data, and I can access the information on the go.  Also great for keeping project information together digitally.

Cloud Storage and Document Sharing

iCloud, OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, to name a few.  Cloud storage and/or a backup of your computer files are necessary.  The benefit of cloud-based is you can access your files anywhere.

Passwords Plus

How many times have you had to hit “forgot my password” and go through the painstaking steps of recreating another?  If the answer is more than you can count, this handy app will keep all your work and personal passwords in one easy-to-access spot.

Time Timer

I use the Time Timer to keep me focused on completing a task in a given amount of time.  It shows the time passing, which motivates me to stay focused on the task.  I use it during client sessions to remind us to take breaks.

What apps do you use to streamline your business practices?


  1. Janet Barclay on March 1, 2022 at 5:43 am

    I don’t use all of these, but I use something in all these categories. My stack is:
    Acuity Scheduling
    Todoist (I didn’t know about MS ToDo so I will have to see if it does everything I need – free is good!)
    OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox
    Roboform (password manager)
    Toggl (task timer)

    • Anne Blumer on March 1, 2022 at 3:39 pm

      Thank you for sharing your go-to apps, Janet. I tried OneNote, and for some reason, it doesn’t work as well for me as Evernote. And, I have not heard of Roboform; I will check it out!

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